I need a new poker room/network
morph1, Jul 24 2011
Ok so I decided to start grinding more seriously and I'm looking for a good rakeback /vip room that offers like 50% rakeback so I can get more motivation to play
Bc I'll start my regrind from the micros I'll be able to rake ~1.5k for the first few months...
I'm looking for something safe , with descent traffic 6max , good rakeback etc..
I already have some good deals for Entraction but IDK anything about this network.. does anybody from lp play there? how are games on low/mid stakes ?
I'm thinking between Entraction,Microgaming (not sure if i can get their 50% rb vip level at current stakes) and Ipoker (goor traffic but I belive their vip sys sucks) but ... idk but I would love to hear some of your guys suggestions 
I heard that ongame lowers your rakeback if you are wining player bc of their essence rakeback system.
Thx in advance and take care
yoyoyo lp it's 2011 ;p
morph1, Jan 04 2011
Yoooo waaaasuuuupppp ;p
Here is a longtime poster/lurker/reader... and after few years I finaly decided to start my own blog. Idk how often it will be updated or what I'm gonna write about ... but I'm sure it would be a tone of poker,drunkstories,pictures,interesting stuff etc..
First I gotta say sorry for my not so great english... it's my 2nd or 3rd language ... hopefully it will improve more, also this is my first blog so forgive me if it sucks
Now to tell something about myself...
I'm 23 years old human resources student from Serbia (you probably have no idea where that is lol... Europe ). I'm low/mid stakes 6max grinder, I was a robot FR player for few years playing casualy, cashing out my wins... investing into all possible ways of fucking around. Started taking things seriously last year.. grinded, probably not enough... made money,cashout a tone, took few months off... got coached by 2 realy good coaches , improved my game, started grinding again, cashout a tone etc.. This year i decided to realy push myself into grind plaining to gring at least 40-50 hours a week.
This year didn't started as I expected.. curently running lika a horse shit
I decided to move my roll to PokerStars from FTP, I also decided to spend like 350 000 + ftps into cash bonuses... and this is how FTP rewards you for it 
all is nl100 rush poker 6max.. played good... had tone of setups,coolers, badbeats... you name it ;p

So after having a very healty bankroll... few bigger cashouts, few bad runs ... I am here w/ very limited bankroll lol ... i'm probably gonna grind 4 tables of rush poker nl100/nl50 and try to release this bonuses and then move my roll to pokerstars or maybe some euro site ... i have a few days to think about this 
On a side note... just finished shootaa's "The Blue Book".. defenetly learned something from it, improved my way of thinking about poker... but it def. is overpriced...
Probably gonna watch The Eightfold Path to Poker Enlightenment by Tommy Angelo... just to take my thoughts of this bad run ;p
Anyway... Good luck everyone, let's crush this year 
Take care,
morph1, Mar 05 2009
done ty w.